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Press Releases


  • Author Administrator
  • Creation Date 2024-05-02
  • View 3610


On the morning of April 15, 2024, at HVS, the inauguration ceremony of the Production Design Center took place. Attending the ceremony were Associate Professor Quach Hoai Nam, Vice principal of Nha Trang University; Mr. Yoon Chang Joon – S.V.president of HMD, Mr. Lim Hyeong Geun – V. President of HENT. Representatives of HVS were Mr. Kim Song Hag – President and BOD.

Delegates performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony and opened the nameplate of the HVS Production Design Center. At the ceremony, Mr. Jeong Soon Sik - G. MGR of the HVS Design Department reported on the process of establishing the production design center and operational plans shortly. Accordingly, on June 27, 2023, HD KSOE began initiating this project with the name "Promoting the Center Overseas Design" On July 4, 2023, the project was officially promoted with the name "Internalization of HVS Production Design". 4 units participating in the project include HD KSOE, HMD, HENT, and HVS. The Production Design Center has been prepared and deployed smoothly and on schedule in all aspects, from personnel organization, and infrastructure to operational plans.

Currently, the Center has 21 new engineers being trained in the form of "on-the-job training" at Production departments for 6 weeks (from March 2024), and officially Production design training will begin from the inauguration day of the Center, and from October this year, actual design work will begin. According to the plan, in 2024, the Center will start with 3 main areas: Hull design, pipe construction, and Outfitting. In 2026, machine design, electrical design, and cabin design will be added. Currently,  the Center will be operated at HVS and depending on the need to expand scale, HVS will consider opening a center in Nha Trang in the future.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Kim Song Hag - President of HVS would like to thank the delegates present at the ceremony. He said, this is a meaningful event because it is the first establishment of the " Overseas Design Center" specializing in shipbuilding of HD Hyundai Group. On the foundation of the newly inaugurated Center today, HD Hyundai Vietnam will start a new challenge, which is "internalizing production design at HVS". He expects that with the enthusiasm of new engineers combined with the transfer of advanced design technology from HMD and HENT and the support of excellent human resources from domestic universities in Vietnam, HD Hyundai Vietnam can another success in design and production.